Five Alternatives to Flags as a Language Choice Menu on Your Website | Polish Localisation

  • How to choose the right languages for your localization process

      Without localization, your digital product won’t succeed in the global market. But with so many languages spoken around the world, how do you choose the right ones for your localization efforts? How to make sure your choices will bring the desired return on investment? There are many strategies you can follow, but no matter [...]

  • Looptopia and AO Adventure: When Web 3 Localization Goes Wrong

    Imagine someone told you about an amazing virtual experience designed by your favorite brand. Excited, you fire your machine, open Decentraland, Roblox, or another metaverse platform, and then… You quickly leave confused. Not because you dislike the world created by the brand, but because you can’t figure out what the text on the screen means. It’s not [...]

  • How to create accessible metaverse experiences

        The metaverse is not a temporary fad. Its death might have been proclaimed several times already, but it’s still alive and kicking. It simply needs to be more accessible. According to the recent Capgemini survey, more than 90% of adult consumers are curious about the metaverse. They’re ready to learn more about it, [...]

  • How to localize decentralized apps?

          The popularity of decentralized apps is growing rapidly. From trading through gaming to marketplaces – there is a dApp for everything. Apart from great features, user-friendly interface, and smart marketing campaigns there’s one more step dApp creators can take to reach a wider audience. Invest in localization.   The current state of [...]


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