5 elements of an online fashion store you need to localise for a better user experience

5 elements of an online fashion store you need to localise for a better user experience

online store localizationThere are many ways to promote your online fashion store and attract loyal customers – from valuable content published on social media, through e-mail marketing to referral programs.  But no tricks or strategies will help to retain your customers efficiently if your website seems “foreign” or is unclear to your visitors. To provide a personalised shopping experience first you’ll have to translate and localise the content on your online fashion store.

Below you can see 5 key elements that you’ll need to localise to ensure a better user interface.

1. Product descriptions

Great photos and extra items to complete the look from the up-sell section may not be enough if your users can’t understand what it is that you really sell. Sure, images are worth more than words, but it’s always handy to know what the product is made of or what its features are. That’s why you’ll have to make sure that your product descriptions are translated into the languages of your target customers. Online users prefer to buy from websites in their native language. In fact, as many as 42% Internet users never make any purchase decisions in languages different than their own. So, if you want to reach out to more visitors and attract customers from abroad, make sure they can understand your content, especially the item description.

2. Images

For some cultures, you may need to adapt the images as well. Customers are usually more likely to identify with someone who looks like them, so make sure your models come from different ethnic groups. For example, if your target market is Japan, include some pictures of Japanese models, and if you want to sell your clothes in culturally diverse countries, display images with models that would represent this variety as well.

3. Currency

Appealing images and clear product descriptions won’t help you increase your sales, if your customers can’t pay in their local currency. Sure, some of them will be ready to pay in EUR or USD, but a large majority of your visitors will abandon your online store, if they’re forced to convert the prices to their national currency. Once you determine your target markets where you want to sell and deliver your products, remember to think locally and display the prices in your customer’s currency. This will give your visitors a clear overview of expenses and they won’t be disappointed when they look at their account or credit card statement at the end of the month.

4. Payment options

Displaying prices in the local currency of your target customers won’t cut a deal, if your customers can’t pay for the products. Credit cards and PayPal seem like a good solution for payments across the world, but you’ll have to think about alternatives as well. Not everyone can make or accept PayPal payments and in some countries other payment method are more popular. Offering a local payment method will win the trust of your customers and make the purchase decision easier. For example, if your target market is Australia and New Zealand you can add Paymate to your payment options, for German users provide options such as Sofort Uberweisung, for Dutch customers include Ideal and for Polish visitors provide services such as DotPay. Carry out a thorough research before you enter a new market and offer a localised version of your online store to make sure you know what’s the preferred payment option in the country of your potential customers.

5. Support numbers

Even if your online store has great reviews and you rarely receive complaints, sometimes something doesn’t go the way your customers wish. To be prepared for quick contact with your customers across the world, make sure to include local support numbers for your all or the most important target countries. In this way, your customer service will be more accessible to the local buyers and you’ll be more likely to gain trust and loyalty of your customers.

Including these five elements in your localisation and translation strategy will help to increase the confidence level of your customers across the world. In this way, your online fashion store will be better adjusted to your target visitors. Finally, the overall shopping experience will become more enjoyable and customised to the needs and expectations of your visitors.

Are you planning to adapt your fashion store to another culture? What other elements do you think should be localised to ensure a better user experience?


About the author: Dorota Pawlak
Dorota Pawlak is a localization consultant for digital and Web 3.0 brands. She enjoys helping businesses enter new markets and is passionate about cultures, languages, and technology.

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